The Hateful World We Live in

Racism is one of the worst things that humans can express.  The hate that it must take for someone to inflict such pain on another person simply because of the color of their skin is astonishing.  Theoretically the African-American Civil Rights Movement and the steps that have been taken since then should have abolished racism, … [Read more…]

Blog Post #3

Anne Hallward is promoting social cohesion in some ways. Her Safe Space Radio concept is an opening for those who need it, and gives them a chance to talk openly but it’s hard to say that they can form relationships over the radio when the listener does not know the speaker, and the speaker does … [Read more…]

Blog Post #2

In Anne Hallward’s Ted Talk, How telling our silenced stories can change the world,  Hallward uses the experiences of both herself and others to describe how shame can be a potentially life threatening and debilitating emotion.  She also explains how people have found words that are emotionally charged and instead of speaking about those words … [Read more…]

Blog post #1

Shame is an emotion so strong and so overwhelming that the results can be catastrophic.  Shame can be felt by anyone at any time of the day.  It is an unwanted and sometimes unexpected emotion that if not handled properly can slowly eat away at a person until they feel awful.  Throughout my life shame … [Read more…]